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Australian woman hospitalised by iPhone electric shock

A 20-year-old Australian woman has been hospitalised in Sydney after she got a shock from her iPhone, according to media reports.
The woman from Sydney's north was taken to Royal North Shore Hospital in a stable condition, the spokeswoman of New South Wales (NSW) Ambulance was quoted as saying in reports.
The Sydney iPhone incident — which thankfully wasn’t serious — comes just one week after Chinese woman Ma Ailun was allegedly electrocuted, fatally, by her iPhone. A doctor at the scene told Wall Street Journal reporters that her neck showed obvious signs of electronic injury.

“We are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic incident and offer our condolences to the Ma family. We will fully investigate and cooperate with authorities in this matter,” Apple said in a statement.
While serious injury is uncommon, smartphones have been known to occasionally catch fire, cause shocks and even explode like a bomb. This is usually caused by an overheating lithium battery combined with insufficient ventilation. Overcharging your phone can also cause the same issue.
Apple posted a special page on its Chinese website mentioning the potential dangers of using unofficial USB chargers to power its devices. The move follows the death of one Chinese woman and the injury of a man, allegedly due to the use of unofficial third-party USB chargers to charge iPhones. When picking up the phone while charging, both victims were said to have experienced a shock.
Apple promised to take part in the investigation into the electrocution death. The company has experienced a turbulent time in China recently, including suffering what was thought to be an organized smear campaign.
Australian woman hospitalised by iPhone electric shock Reviewed by Ankit Kumar Titoriya on 08:06 Rating: 5

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