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Apple is testing bigger screen for iPhone and iPad

Apple is now testing large-form displays for use inside future iPhone and iPad devices, reports suggest.
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple and its component suppliers are now in the process of road-testing iPhone and iPad devices with larger displays.
People at Apple's suppliers said it asked for prototype smartphone screens larger than its current iPhone in recent months, and has asked for screen designs for a new tablet measuring slightly less than 13 inches. Whether the designs will make their way to market is unclear, but they could lead to Apple phones and tablets that are larger than the current 4-inch iPhone 5 and 9.7-inch iPad.

In a bid to offer more choice to consumers and better compete with Samsung, Apple is believed to now be actively engaged in developing a variety of different size iPhone models ranging from 4-inches right up to 5.7-inches.
The idea of an even bigger iPad is also not a new one – remember the iPad Maxxi? Of course you do – well, we weren’t convinced by the idea of a 13-inch iPad back then, and we certainly aren’t now.
Apple's biggest rival, the South Korean electronics giant, Samsung offers devices in a variety of screen sizes and form factors, with its flagship device, the Galaxy S4, also touching the 5-inch point. Meanwhile, Apple started offering a 4-inch iPhone, last year, increasing the screen size by 0.5-inch.

Apple is testing bigger screen for iPhone and iPad Reviewed by Ankit Kumar Titoriya on 08:55 Rating: 5

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