Battlefield 4 and Wing Commander 3 is now free for a weak
If you want to see how well Battlefield 4 is performing these days but don't want to drop a dime on the PC version, Electronic Arts is currently offering the first-person shooter for free through Origin for one week.
One week is, of course, 168 hours, the total amount of time you can play Battlefield 4 on Origin for free. The free trial is part of Origin's Game Time program, which previously offered players free Titanfall time. EA promises the full Battlefield 4 experience — single-player campaign and 64-player online multiplayer.
It works like this: You'll need an Origin account and the free Origin desktop client. (If you grabbed EA's latest On the House giveaway, Wing Commander III, earlier this week, you're all set.) Then you just add Battlefield 4 to your library. You've got until Aug. 14 to complete that step.
Your one-week trial, however, begins the first time you launch the game. So if you're busy the next few days and don't get a chance to start playing until, say, next Wednesday, no problem: your week starts that day.
For those unfamiliar with the title, Battlefield 4 was among the most celebrated first-person shooters of 2013, earning a GameSpot score of 8 and legions of online players. Suffice it to say, if you enjoy blistering multiplayer warfare, you're in for an exciting week.
Battlefield 4 and Wing Commander 3 is now free for a weak
Reviewed by Ankit Kumar Titoriya

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