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MIT says, Google’s self driving cars are not ready for public use

Google has unveiled its self-driving car, which is capable of navigation with minimal user input. But, the company admitted that the car is not yet ready for public use, as it still has several challenges that it needs to overcome.

It is probably the first time when Google’s self driving cars are getting adverse reports. And the report and assessment about its safety features comes from the top tech institute across the world, MIT.

MIT researchers have concluded after thorough study that the self driving cars from the search giant Google are not fool proof when it comes to security features.

According to a researchers’ review team at the MIT Technology, there are many unanswered questions about the Google’s self driving cars that are posing serious safety concerns.

The review team says Google’s self-driving cars have successfully driven over 700,000 miles so far relying on the maps, offered by the search engine, which has been fed in its command systems.  But if any problem is encountered with the maps and it gives wrong details about the destination or if it comes to any unmapped area, then how will it act in such an urgent and critical situation.

According to the review team, such situations can become more severe 0issue as far as safety is concerned.

In some cases, Google car is still better at responding to changes than the average vehicle; for example, a Google car would be able to slow down or stop for traffic or obstacles if a stoplight not on the map appeared overnight.

The Google vehicle will also need a steering wheel in California as of Sept. 16, which is when new state regulations kick in to require a physical wheel and brake and accelerator pedals.

The Mountain View, Calif.-based company plans to develop a temporary brake and steering wheel system for its fleet of test cars. 
MIT says, Google’s self driving cars are not ready for public use Reviewed by Ankit Kumar Titoriya on 19:48 Rating: 5

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