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Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame now available on mobile

The updated mobile version of Prince of Persia 2, rechristened as Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame has made the leap to availability. You can find it now, clinging to the edges of iOS and Android stores, clutching at a price of $3.

The gaming part remains the same wherein gamers run, fight and solve puzzles in the quest to rescue the princess. The game though looks very different with 14 beautifully crafted levels spanning across five different environments. The controls have been optimized for touch displays and the game also promises a new combat system.

Prince of Persia 2 picks up the story right where the first game left off, with the prince awaiting his marriage to the princess, but being betrayed and forced to run for his life. Much like the remake of the original Prince of Persia, the remake has a 2.5-dimensional art style, but the gameplay is still a 2D sidescroller. It also features the character design of the fondly-remembered Prince of Persia: Sands of Time series, albeit without any of the time-related gameplay mechanics.

Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame now available on mobile Reviewed by Ankit Kumar Titoriya on 05:24 Rating: 5

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