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More Mortal Kombat To Come, Now In Development

There has certainly been no lack of fighting games as of late. However, nothing quite says fighting nostalgia like Mortal Kombat.  Don’t adjust your screens or think you read that wrong, I am about to talk about Mortal Kombat and yet another installment flying at your faces ready for action.  Needlessly put, a recent interview with Mortal Kombat Legacy Producer Lance Sloane, gave way to the fact that a new title is in fact in development and will be born out of the Mortal Kombat Legacy production team.

“Well, we’ve been in green-light committee for a while at the studio and we’ve got a great script,” Mortal Kombat Legacy Producer Lance Sloane told GamerHub.TV in a recent interview.   “And we’ve got a great director with Kevin Tancharoen, who is on board. It’s just figuring out the business side of it and when we would do it and when we would launch it and how do we sync up with the launch of the game that they’re working on now. It’s not 100% yet, but we’re getting closer every day.”

Though limited details were provided in the interview, it looks like the true Mortal Kombat die hards can hold on just a little longer for a new title.  In the mean time, Mortal Kombat Legacy should keep you distracted until we have more news on the future release.

More Mortal Kombat To Come, Now In Development Reviewed by Ankit Kumar Titoriya on 07:47 Rating: 5

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